Thursday, September 17, 2009
Lung Cancer From Spray Paint
Well, I had long since I have not written anything here. Well, I thought to myself, and I do not what to do, I'll write some stupid things on blog'a. Therefore, I invite you to tour through the darkness of the times, to know the present.
Let's start with conspiracy theories.
Consider for a moment: you need to be able to "Conspiratorial" to hide something from people. Surely other people who will fade back and watch the traces of the Board appointed by the citizens. And how many "shadow" the need for one man? Approximately five. Why? One person can not board the 24 / 7 watch one man. Two and three of them also may have trouble tracking niepostrzeżonym someone, even if they will have to emulate some of the society, some work is also required, at least half-time. Four is already a solution, but looking at the amount of time you must spend a week (24 * 7 / 4 = 42 hours) it still can not develop with the guard of one man. Well, I take into account that each works alone (to change). But to be able to live peacefully, that man will not discover a conspiracy that will take at least 5 people (24 * 7 / 5 = 33.6 hours). Each of them, management must pay. It is known that the more money gets the harder it is to bribe him. Thus, let's give him 3,000 a month. In terms of plots is rather low. Thus, for every man "tracked" fall 3000 * 5 * 12 = 180 000 dollars per year. If the number of "tracked" will be 1000 that number will increase to 180 million dollars per year. But it also needs "a higher class of people" who will watch these shadows. Let's give a "man of business-class" to 25 "shadow." In 1000 "tracked" we have 5000 "shadows", thus overlooking the fact that we have 200 "upper class people." These people have to pay more because they know more (the man knows more / is more important the greater the likelihood that someone wants to buy it.) Give him a 5000th It's really not much. Especially on such a man (I for 5000 would not have wanted to work almost 24 / 7 watching the five groups, often scattered throughout the country). This gives an additional 5000 * 12 * 200 = 12 million dollars per year. Of course, people who check the shadows and should have their "inspectors" ... pyramid formation, and so leading up to the summit (ie, until the conspirators). Yes
checking: to be able to keep 1,000 people in ignorance by using the "conspiracy" is to spend about 200 million dollars per year (and it is really much too low in value). Thus, as needed per 1 million people? Simple: you only need 200 trillion dollars per year. A small amount, right? Thus, anyone who wishes to follow plots should follow the big money (large, high transaction, fluctuations in the stock market and stuff like that case, I do not know, do not deal with finances). I prefer to remain on the plot of "gray people", which no one believes it is important to track (they're more important that should increase the likelihood of a conspiracy.)
Thank you for your attention. Conspiracy is not sleeping!
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