Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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Making Money Online: traps of greedy webmasters

First, bad affiliate programs

Affiliate Program in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's worth a critical look at him go in before him. Most of them are tempted by huge profits possibly in the short term, but the sad truth is that even the best affiliate programs (eg, PP, "Golden Thoughts") may prove to be useless.

Where's the catch? Well, the vast majority of affiliate programs website earns only in one case - when will the conversion (ie the person who clicks on an ad program Partnership will purchase the advertised product.)

problem is that making money on conversions is the most risky way to make money on the internet. You are not able to check whether the advertised product on your site is good and true, or the opposite. Often, the PP are not really enough to support sales, which the owners to drive traffic to your site PP - if nobody buys, the PP does not have to pay a penny to webmasters and site traffic (and advertising revenue) rising to it from week to week .

Second, "pyramid"

Another problem that may face webmaster, is a pyramid. It is about making such systems in the network, where the webmaster receives money / awards / bonuses in exchange for recruiting new participants of the program. This type uses a variety of incentives, including a very serious business (eg,, or even Google), please note that I never, ever, had not become a permanent source of revenue. For this reason, we can safely ignore the opportunities in the style of "Earn 300 Euros a day on its Web site." In most cases the properties offer pyramids.

In practice, gaining another member of borders impossible. Nobody clicks on this type of ad, and even when they click rarely registers as a user. The promised profits fall to only fund the owner, who, moreover, quite quickly rolled up interest, leaving the Webmaster on the ice.

Third party listings

sale on auction sites recently Allegro is the most popular way to cut inexperienced webmasters. The system is simple: the con man puts the party puts on it a little bit of content or shop, and then placed on the auction page. The item description says that parties to generate large profits, have huge potential, or that fast growing number of users. Even if the portal for the sale of a few hundred dollars, and so is the front - and the buyer left with worthless in the hands of a party.

Importantly, it is not about isolated incidents - in fact, each page displayed, in this way, the sale could bring gains only to the seller. Well, if a party brought real gains, the incentive to sell for less than the sum of expected revenues of the next several months. If someone decides to opchnąć party for three hundred gold, it means that it is difficult to expect in to bring in the next year more than 150-200 gold profit. Making Money Online with the parties purchased the Allegro comes close to a miracle.

What to do?

Unfortunately, even when you earn on the Internet, some rules are the same: to make money, it is necessary to hard work and good idea, plus luck.

If some way of earning money online seems too good to be true, he probably is. If someone guarantees you that within a year will be rich, is lying. If anyone says that will sell you for half price chicken that lays the golden eggs, is ... probably already understand the schema.

article is excerpted from site - source of free articles for reprint.

About the Author: Bartosz Chmielewski


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