real money How to make money using the services of partner programs, advertising
author of this article is Ryoga
Most of those making the partnership programs uses a variety of product promotion techniques. The most popular of these is the positioning, but there is another method, about which many people forget, and sometimes very effective, I mean a free advertisement in classifieds sites.
Free classifieds sites are pages that allow for the inclusion of its ad sales of selected product or service. Using such services to increase sales is very simple and above all cheap, because it does not require us to any financial outlay. The biggest advantage of free advertising is that they generate stargetowany traffic, you brought on to our notice probably looking for a product similar to that which we offer, so there's a good chance that you will buy our product. One of the partners
Partner Program FTS (partners of the program probably know who I'm talking about) their strategies for the promotion of this program is based mainly on free classifieds sites and very good on the go, because it belongs to the group of the most effective partners. her monthly income is the income level of the Top5 partners Golden Thoughts and it is largely thanks to the posting of free ads.
Although the use of the classifieds sites is very simple, below I will describe several ways that should improve your performance and thereby increase your profits from the sale.
first Place your ads only on sites with high traffic. It is very important because the Internet There are hundreds of Web boards, most of which is a very low value. Make sure you provide the service on which the notice is visited by users. To choose services you can use the Google, to execute query "announcement", "free ads" or "classified ads" and thus find high ranking sites, you may also review this point of view sponsored links.
second Make sure your ad title is "catchy." Arranging title go after a standard framework for thinking. Make your title announced a solution to someone else's problem. If you have already finished the header then ask yourself "if I read the title kliknąłbym in this ad?". If you can honestly say that yes, it probably just means that it dobrałeś.
third Do not go overboard with the length of the content of ads, best let it be short, with a touch of mystery, let the curious reader. Do not try to immediately sell the product in the notice, it is only to provoke the user to switch to your site or product page.
4th Disambiguation notice how often you can only so many places and in as many as possible. Most advert websites, ads can be placed at a certain time, it might be 30, 40, 50 days after that announcement pushes ever new mature at a lower ranking, so you might want to visit from time to time advertising service, to "refresh "and keep our ad in a high position. I recommend the use of 10 to 20 carefully selected advert websites.
Above I wrote a few words about how to use advert websites to promote products, now a few words about which products to promote. with my observation that the best in this type of promotion examine all kinds of training, I recommend especially the training offered by FTS, because they offer very high commissions for one participant.
second product of how we can promote through advertising services are e-books of the Golden Thoughts, but here we need to put a little more work. Placing an advertisement, in my opinion it should be avoided terms like "e-book" or "book", and replace them with others such as "unique knowledge." As I mentioned above announcement is primarily intrigue and provoke the user to click, the target is to sell the product page. You should also use masking links to the Golden Thoughts, we can do it with site, thanks, first you do not remove our reef and, secondly, how can we hide the item offered ..
--- This article is excerpted from website
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